Research Consultant, National Jewish ECE Compensation Study, Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Greater Chicago, and several other federations and national Jewish organizations.
Developing data collection tools in collaboration with all partners to address salary, benefits, and credntials of educators in Jewish ECE settings
Managing data collection among thousands of respondents and data analysis
Will lead reporting at the national and local levels.
Study Lead, National Jewish Educator Census, Collaborative for Applied Studies in Jewish Education
Developed Census questions to address current and future staffing needs in the Jewish Education field
Managing data collection among thousands of respondents and data analysis
Year 2 report expected 2021
Foundation for Jewish Camp, in partnership with Prizmah Center for Jewish Day Schools (PrizmahCJDS)
Developing an assessment for lay and professional leadership around safety, respect, and equity policies, policy implementation, and related existing training
Findings will inform future training programs and policy implementation for the Jewish camping and day school field funded by the SRENetwork
​Builders of Jewish Education, Los Angeles
Designed survey, analyzed data, and reported findings about professional development and support provided during the pandemic
Text-to-Relationship Evaluation, AVI CHAI, Kohelet, and Mayberg Foundations
Designed interview methodology to evaluate a pilot program for Jewish educator professional development
Developed questions that aligned with the goals of the study
Conducted phone interviews with teachers
Analyzed qualitative data and presented findings in a well-received report
Creating a public research brief report to share with Jewish Education stakeholders
Men As Allies Evaluation, Jewish Women International
Consulted with staff on their development of a survey of a pilot program to help increase gender safety, respect, and equity in the Jewish non-profit workplace
Analyzed data and provided findings for reports and presentations
LINK, StandWithUs
Developed tools to measure teachers’ offline use of a digital platform for a middle school curriculum on Israel
Presented findings to LINK staff to inform their next steps
Jewish Education Innovation Challenge (JEIC)’s Listening Booths, Mayberg Foundation
Developed interview protocol for the JEIC project team “Listening Booths” at the PrizmahCJDS Conference
Trained interviewers and conducted interviews
Managing the process to verify the content of the transcriptions against the audio files
Analyzed qualitative data and presented findings in a well-received public report
B’nai Brith Youth Organization (BBYO)
Developed a survey of teens and parents to gauge interest in upcoming programs
Reviewed and provided feedback on a survey of teens and chapter advisors
Analyzed summer and follow-up survey data for BBYO summer programs
Created PowerPoint presentations to report on survey data findings
Builders of Jewish Education, Los Angeles
Designed survey methodology to evaluate a pilot educational program
Programmed the online survey with questions that aligned with the study goals
Implemented appropriate skip logic to reach multiple types of stakeholders
Analyzed quantitative and qualitative data from the survey (53% response rate)
Prepared report for program staff and funders
Reviewed and provided feedback on a survey of program participants
Tested online survey and provided feedback to improve user experience and help achieve reasonable completion rates
Prizmah Center for Jewish Day Schools (PrizmahCJDS)
Reviewed and provided feedback on a survey of for conference participants
Attended day-long brainstorming session about a potential study on Jewish day schools
STEM Program Evaluation, private Jewish day school
Conducted focus groups with teachers to inform survey development
Developed parent and student surveys to evaluate the STEM program
Analyzed data and reported findings to advise on the next steps for the STEM program
Influenced leaders to make changes in curriculum and implementation based on data-driven decision making